Sunday, June 5, 2011

You know how the story ends.

So I didn't meet Taylor (or Caitlin or Liz or Grant or Amos or Paul or) and my heart is a little bit broken for that fact, because meeting her was my New Year's Resolution, my wish for every single 11:11 and shooting star this year so far, and now that it's over and it didn't happen . . . But it was still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. She is the most beautiful thing. I cried and had the best night of my life and danced and sang my heart out by myself and held my TAYLOR IS MY TWIN sign the entire time and got so many compliments and people saying I do look like her, which always makes me feel amazing. One girl outside before the show even asked to take a picture with me just because of how much I look like her! I probably would've died or fainted or something if I actually met Taylor, anyway. And I know that the universe has plans for me, that it's in the stars and I will meet her one day. I just have to wait a little longer. And keep wishing.

And I know that I am so incredibly, amazingly blessed for the chance I got, to have my inspiration, the queen of my universe in front of me for two whole hours. For the second time. I am so lucky. I know not many people get to experience that, and it's nearly impossible to describe. It just made me heave dry sobs a lot under the weight of trying to absorb the fact that the girl I love more than anything in the world was right there in front of me, her soul shining out for all of us to see. Every day I think I couldn't possibly love her more, and then she goes and proves me wrong. I don't ever want to stop loving her.


  1. I'm so glad you had a wonderful time! :D
    I'm dreaming of the day when I can see her live at least. But it's always too awkward because she only goes to England when she visits the UK.
    I have to see her one day though.

  2. Where do you live again? And I hope that you DO get to see her, someday <3
