Friday, January 28, 2011

All I want in life is to be a dancer. Last week my jazz teacher called my feet beautiful, and it was the most incredible compliment ever. Granted, we were only stretching, not dancing, but still.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart"

right now I am loving the small things

- Irish music (&daydreaming about traveling to Ireland, sigh)
- PS I Love You, the movie & its soundtrack
- Letters to a Young Poet
- Keltie (of course)
- the fact that I get to sleep in tomorrow

Monday, January 3, 2011

and all you need is one

I cannot wait for this to happen for me. I have high hopes for 2011 in the love department. Hopefully I won't end the year just as empty handed as I was this year.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

when the world caves in

I did it. Sometime, late last night, I realized what the song of 2011 is going to be, what I want to remember the most. This is it. Every twelve seconds, someone remembers that we are all in this together. Even when I feel impossibly isolated and lonely, there are other people out there who feel just as lonely as me. And on the other hand, there is also someone out there waiting for me, waiting to find me just like I am waiting to find them. Waiting for me to love them like I am waiting for someone to love me. The universe is a gigantic, magical place, everybody. Don't forget that this year. Let's make it our collective goal to make the universe even more beautiful by pouring as much love and creativity and kindness out into it as we can. I think if everyone would just realize that we are all living this crazy, confusing dream together, all the petty meanness and hate would seem completely superfluous.