eight years is quite a long time (for the short time we've been alive); i've known you for almost half of my life. right now i feel like i will never tire of you; i hope you will never tire of me. they say you don't really love something til it's gone or however it goes. i know i loved you before, but now i miss you lots and appreciate you and can't wait to go back. cause neither of us is REALLY gone. it's always only temporary. i just have two homes now.
(and if i don't come back--
i mean, if i get sidetracked,
it's only cause i wanted to)
i love my friends here, but never as much. it's the little things that make me realize how much better you are; when they say "i love renee zellweger" and i still had to google her name to see how it's spelled because your distaste rubbed off on me. how they don't always understand the meaning behind what i say or that i never say things with mean intentions. i'm barely capable of saying genuinely mean things to someone and actually meaning them. it's just not me. i hope it's as easy for people to see that as i think it is. probably not though.
(i could go anywhere with you and i'd probably be happy
so if you wanna be with me--)
i guess all of this is just to say, i missloveneed you. thirteen more days til i see your face.